Oto Hudec


Slovak multi-media artist Oto Hudec created his recent work in Slovakia, Austria, South Korea, Cabo Verde, Portugal and USA. He creates videos, murals, animations, sculptures and works for public spaces about immigration, refugees and the impact of globalization on the environment. His projects often involve utopic perspective as a way to shed a light on food production, industrial landscape, or decline of bees. While interested in ecological living, food production and sustainability, instead of searching for new scientific solutions, he is looking into how nomadic and indigenous people achieved this. He often cooperates on projects with children and youth from disadvantaged communities. Since 2013 he works on on the participative project with Roma children in Slovakia Projekt Karavan together with artist Daniela Krajčová. He is a finalist of Oskar Čepan prize for young artists in 2012, Slovakia.

His solo exhibitions include among others Archipelago, Kunsthalle Bratislava 2017; Prague the Day after Air Raid, Artwall, Prague; The Man who travels with Bees, Gandy gallery, Bratislava; Nor Tortoise Shell nor Blades of Grass, MMCA Chang Dong National Art Studio, Seoul; Nomadia, Mutuo Espaco de Arte, Barcelona, 2013. He participated in group exhibitions such as Welcome to the Jungle, Kunsthalle Duesseldorf 2018, Nadikhuno Muzeumos, tranzit.sk Bratislava, Strach z neznámeho,Galerie NTK, Prague, 2017; “Mirror of Alterity”, Kunstpunkt, Berlin, 2016; Museum On/Off, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2016; Rien ne va plus? Faites vos jeux!, De Appel, Amsterdam, 2016; Strach z neznámeho (Fear from the Unknown), Kunsthalle, Bratislava, 2016; Walking without Footprints, tranzit.sk, Bratislava, 2015; Comitted to Change, tranzit.sk, Bratislava, 2014; Dve krajiny, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, 2014. 

MOFAI - Museum of Failed and Abandoned Ideas

2014- ongoing
fabrics, plywood, digital prints, HD video
dimensions variable

How often does it happen that your idea fails in a practical world? Or that you refuse it, considering it silly, or you forget about it when a new one appears? Or sometimes the idea is put aside because of someone else’s critical opinion, or you realize that it was done already by somebody else. Or your vision’s needs were not reached by your financial or organizational strength...

All these unrealized ideas float somewhere in the back of our memory as lonely sparks of invention.

I don’t see an artist as someone always successful and unmistakable. It is more someone who walks a long curvy road which sometimes disappears in a sand, needs returns and new searching. The unrealized projects seemed first like a dead end but more than that they were indicators of new ways; they provoked new approach and suddenly they flourished.

MOFAI is a miniature portable museum in a form of backpack. It includes works of mine and of other artists that were never realized. Each work is included in form of a small photograph and description of the work and reason why it failed or was abandoned. All works can be stored in the museum-backpack and they are even exhibited in a miniature version on the inside walls of the museum.

The shape of the museum is based on a real building on Exposition avenue in Dallas, USA- an abandoned house. The museum was shown first time in an exhibition at Nástupište 1 -12 in Topoľčany, Slovakia in 2014.

MOFAI is permanently opened for new contributions by artists. It is based on maximum democracy. There is no judgement, no selection, no theme limitations. More than art pieces this museum collects stories - about twisted ways of a creative process and a little more personal side of an artist.


This is an ongoing open call without date restrictions. The works can be sent in form of text (description) and image (300 dpi). Video formats are also accepted: they will 
be projected separately. The images with the description will be shown as digital prints. And in addition they will be downscaled and printed to fit the walls of museum (size of which is 25 x 40 x 60 cm) There is no limit of works per person.

All works can be sent to this email address: oto.hudec@gmail.com, the videos can be sent through sharing sites as for example wetransfer. Many thanks you for your contribution!

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